Sunday, January 17, 2010

can't wait

so finally, i had make my decision

FINAL DECISION : i'm going to resign 1 week after the boss declare that i do not have bonus, but some suggested, immediate after she declared can show my dissatisfaction...hmm, not bad idea after all. Even if there is bonus, i'll still resign 2 weeks later...because i'd decided to pursue my master.

so now? cant wait til March...bonus makes me nervous, not because of how much i will be given, but, ironically, bonus determined whether i stay 1-2 weeks longer or leave immediately...

Now, my biggest dilemma, how to write a good resign letter? People tell me, we must write good reason, and REMEMBER to thanks your boss (even if he/she is a piece of SHIT). Here, me resign letter looks like:

Dear boss,

Due to no increment & no bonus, i decided to leave the company. I would appreciate very much if u can tell me immediately when is my last day. Thanks very much for letting me go.

ps: I decided to keep my letter short, to save the world, go GREEN =p

can you keep a secret til March? =p

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

工作 . 做工

唉, 2010年来了
回头想一想, 2009年里, 我... 到底在干嘛?

短短一年里...本小姐我呢, 换了两份工, 两间银行...喔, 还有, 两份工作都是讲话, 跟无聊, 霸道, 死蠢的客人讲话...够了...我不想再跟笨蛋解释这个那个了!!!

第一个老板...真的是一个经典follow-the-law的书呆子, 或经典black and white份子...所以, 只要你稍微, 真的真的稍微以点点错, 哇, 她就好象波妇那样骂你... ...赚钱难啊!!!

现任老板啊? 唉...有风的...人来颠时...尽量不要靠近她...不够人手时, 唉, 就算你有假期, 要申请假期都要看脸色...打工仔...真的心酸

快快五月, 我又要辞职了...所以, 五月天最棒, 五月天万岁!!! ^^